Friday, June 27, 2008

just a little update.

I haven't fallen off the face of the earth... yet. I've been busy the last two weeks with residency orientation. I finished yesterday, so now it's time to start doctoring! I officially start residency on Tuesday -- then I might fall off the face of the earth!

Orientation was so long and boring. There was a little bit of excitement on Wednesday. I just cried and refused to partake in our intubation class...that's all. We had our Neonatal Resuscitation course, and at the end of the day, we had a skills class on intubation, chest tubes and inserting umbilical lines. I had heard that we would be practicing intubation on cats. Yes, live cats. I hate cats, but I love animals and I could foresee a problem with this one. As soon as I saw the vet tech take a tiny limp black kitten out of the cage, I lost it. I, tearfully, told the Attending that I would not be able to participate for ethical reasons. He wasn't very happy about it, but since it wasn't a requirement to pass the course, so there wasn't much he could do. I'm sure they'll continue intubating poor little kittens for years to come (my orthopedic friend intubated goats at his class, yikes!) but hopefully I made a small step towards saving these poor little creatures from the torture of untrained, baby fresh docs jamming ET tubes down their throats.

On a happier note, I got my medical license in the mail today! I think that makes it official. I keep waiting for something to happen to make me actually feel like a doctor, but it hasn't happened yet.

A little more excitement, in a bad way -- I got rear-ended today. I was leaving the eye doctor, feeling blind as a bat with dilated eyes and WHAM! someone slammed into the back of my pretty little car. Thank goodness for SUVs! My Explorer barely has a dent (that I can tell) but her car was probably totaled. Luckily she was insured, I wouldn't be surprised if we found that my car had more damaged than it looks once we take it in to get checked out. Fortunately no one was hurt...but there just happened to be a doctor around in case anyone was. ;)

Now, we're settled in for a nice long weekend at home. Heath leaves again on Monday for Chicago (for hopefully the last time) and I am going to try to get anything and everything done around the house before my time is no longer my own. Hopefully I won't abandon this little 'ol blog when things get busy. Oh, another good thing - I got my schedule and I'm in the ER in December. We have been planning on giving the IVF financing another shot in October and hopefully starting in Nov/Dec, so ER is the perfect rotation to be on. I will work 18 shifts in the month and have several days off in between. So, keep praying that we'll be able to move on to getting pregnant!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Leslie G said...

Don't abandon your blog!! I might have to come to OKC and hunt you down!

kari said...

Those poor kitties :( I don't care for cats either, but that makes me sad. And I'm glad you are okay and there wasn't too much damage to your car.

Enjoy your weekend and hopefully you'll have time to blog so we can hear how your residency is going.

Sarah said...

At OSU they intubate on greyhound dogs :( But they only have to do that for ER, so Steph lucked out and didn't have to

leah @maritalbless said...

I second leslie and kari! Don't leave us - and I almost started to cry at your description of the limp little black kitty!

Gah - I was reading it during our 4 1/2 hour car ride home, turned to Tony and told him we need to give black kitties love!

He told me my limit is 3. :(