Saturday, June 6, 2009


Our little man turned one month old on the 3rd. We've had him for 4 weeks yesterday. I can't believe how quickly time is going. He changes every day and is so alert and active. He has already started rolling over (see the video proof below) and pushing himself across the floor. I think we're going to have an early crawler and walker on our hands!

We took J to my end of the year peds banquet last night. My mom was supposed to watch him but ended up being really sick. Luckily he is quite content in his carseat and just slept through the whole thing. He even slept through the 15 people passing him around at the end! I won the Intern Teaching Award. It's a peer selected award and it was quite an honor to recieve it! I have such an amazing intern class that everyone was very deserving.

In other J news, he was scheduled to have a visit with his mom on Friday. She didn't show. This is good news for us, but his father and grandma did show up. This was the first I'd heard of them since we've had J. I wasn't aware that dad was going to be in the picture at all. I'm not too worried about him getting custody. He's been arrested for child abuse and has a lot of the same issues as mom does. But, I am worried about grandma. I'm not sure if she would be interested in taking him or if DHS would even allow it. I feel secure with him right now, but worried that family is going to start coming out of the woodwork. I'm interested to hear back from my case worker what the story is with why mom didn't show up and how involved dad/grandma will be. We're headed to court on Monday and will hopefully find out about mom's treatment plan and how willing she will be to work on getting J back. Regardless of what her worker says, mom's actions show that she isn't very interested.


Unknown said...

Congrats on the award!
I wouldn't worry too much about the grandma, legally, grandparents have no rights. I hope all goes well for you on Monday! I'll be thinking about and praying for you guys!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the award, girl!! I'm sure you are very deserving. And J is just too cute for words. :)

Praying for you all!!!

Jenn said...

Congrats on the award!! So proud of you, Hootie! Good luck on Monday. Hope all the information you hear is positive. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Miss you!

Molly said...

Wow, WOW!

So cool you got to show the little man off. Welcome to the world of having to have a back up plan when sitters don't work out! We usually just back out of our plans if we can't take our kids to the event! We are real reliable nowadays!

I cannot believe he is rolling over. That is incredible, especially since he is such a little guy.

I am praying over J's whole situation and over you all as you continue to follow in what God has called you to. Thank you for being such a wonderful example to all of us about living out our faith. I kinda feel bad that when I read she didn't show, I had a bit of joy in my heart. I know...I am awful!

Melodie said...

what an advanced little guy! and the picture in his crib - he is just beautiful! and reminds me so much of holden at that tiny age. things still sound really positive for you guys and i just feel full of hope about this one! not sure if that means anything, or perhaps i just WANT to be hopeful for you. either way, feelin' hopeful over here!

sarah full of grace. said...

heeeeyyy!! how did he manage to snag my old blanket?!

Kristy said...

I just love the poster next to him in the crib, one onth what a cute idea!

Stephanie said...

Congratulations on the award! That is just such an honor.

He is one seriously cute kid. I hope all goes well on Monday.

Prayers :)

Anonymous said...

That picture of the three of you is adorable!!!

Congrats on your award! Always nice to be appreciated by your peers.

I'm curious to know why J's mom didn't show up either...

Leslie G said...

Congrats! You look hot, mama! And yay for little J's milestones. They are awesome and they keep getting better!

Rachel said...

oh my word!! Lol Bright JUST starting moving like at like 4 months! hahahahah you got a gifted kid! and you make an adorable family!

mindy said...

Wow, I just can't believe he is rolling over, that is fabulous!!!

Congrats on winning the award, you are a wonderful person, and I'm sure you deserve it!

noahandlylasmommi said...

Boy is he cute! And a wiggle worm already ;) you have a beautiful family. way to go on the award! you should be very proud!

Mrs. Cup said...

Oh my stinkin cute!! Congrats on your award!!!!

p.s. you guys make a very fine looking family!!!

leah @maritalbless said...

Seriously, he is such a little cutie pie! I love that whale outfit too, I'm surprised I haven't bought it yet lol.

Congratulations on the award. You are so humble to defer to your peers, but I'm sure you deserve it!

DrBabyMamaDrama said...

Congratulations on your award. As a mommy (and a pediatrician too) my hat goes off to you being able to balance so many things. Good luck with your little one!

Sarah Louise said...

Congratulations on the award! What an honor! And I LOVE your family picture! How cute :)

Jamie Dearle said...

I cant wait to see how big he is when I get back in October!!!

Lisa said...

and OMG I don't think I have ever seen a 4 week old turn over like that! You might just have a super baby on your hands. What a cutie! I just want to eat him up!